A first app prototype in just two weeks?
To make app or feature ideas and concepts tangible, it helps in most cases to build a clickable or even functional prototype. On the one hand, this allows entire user journeys or even very specific technical challenges to be validated with a proof of concept, encapsulated from the rest of the app's complexity.
Thus, with relatively little effort, it can be verified whether a user flow feels natural, for example, or whether an AR feature out of the box delivers the desired accuracy and unfolds the desired wow effect.
The strength of "fast prototyping" lies in its agility. The process is agile and iterative, meaning that adjustments and refinements can be seamlessly integrated. This not only speeds up the development process, but also minimizes the risk of costly missteps.
A prototype often also makes it easier to sell an idea. Our customers therefore often use them to convince the management or external investors.
There are different types of prototypes and depending on the requirements, a more or less detailed and functional version makes sense. The spectrum ranges from linear wireframes, to designed click dummies, to rudimentary functional apps that can be installed and tested on a smartphone.
We will be happy to advise you on which type makes the most sense for your project to move forward quickly.