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Play Ideation Ping-Pong with us!

Finding ideas and evaluating them is of central importance for every innovative app and reducing things to the essentials is also the key to success. We can support you in this balancing act between creative exuberance, feature creep and reduce-to-the-max philosophy.

You send us your idea or vision - naturally in a confidential setting and protected by an NDA. We then play back with a new spin. This enriching exchange for your project can take place in a workshop-style format, for example. The ball is in your court.

Tobias Gemperli
Dev Lead, Partner
Johannes Wicki
Design Lead, Partner
Tobias Gemperli
Dev Lead, Partner
Johannes Wicki
Design Lead, Partner

Take advantage of our years of experience in the complete process of creating smartphone apps for clients from a wide range of industries.

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